Seer of Saiseekers
Our most beloved Guruji, Sri Sainathuni Sarath Babuji, who dedicated every moment of his life to Sri Sai Baba and lived in the fullness of Baba's grace, has taken mahasamadhi. On Saturday 13 November 2010, Guruji left his body in Murnau, south Germany, and the world was bereft of a brilliant star that shines but rarely on this earth.
A renowned and perfect devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba, Guruji lived and showed the glorious path of Sai to all who came to him. Guruji's personal principle was to be dependent on nothing and nobody other than Sai Baba. His auspicious birth date itself signifies the mystical link with his beloved Sadguru, for Guruji entered this world on Vijayadasami, 7 October 1954, the 36th anniversary of Baba's mahasamadhi, and the very day the holy statue of Sri Sai Baba was installed in the Samadhi Mandir, Shirdi.
Guruji never proclaimed himself as a guru - in fact, he emphatically said he was not one - yet all experienced in him the divine qualities of love, power and knowledge which together define a Sadguru: and he is one of the very highest order.
Sri Sainathuni Sarath Babuji
A seer is a visionary, one who sees beyond the world of appearances, one who sees further than what is commonly known and seen. He sees us, he sees the path, he sees truth, he sees Baba and he makes us see!